Life Restoration

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of April, 21, 2024

As I sought The Lord’s heart for what He would like to share this week, I saw some key Words in visions, as usual. And I sensed in my spirit that, for some, who have been working diligently to tie up loose ends in a handful of areas, you will be packing it up very soon to then pull up your tent pegs and cross over. 

Also, I believe Holy Spirit has a Word of caution for these diligent ones to be careful in their pace and to pay attention to details in your circumstances. They are important and will have a lasting impact on your own mission and others you’re trying to reach. 

So, be care to not get too tired or scramble so quickly that you overlook seemingly small things that can potentially prove to work against your purpose. 

Many of us may have known people (or have been people) who have unintentionally sabotaged purpose, because they have moved so fast they didn’t take time to make sure the details were accurate and in order. 

I believe Holy Spirit would say to you that you don’t have to move in haste, as He has gone before you to prepare the way and is also present as your rear guard. He is with you all the way. And just as He has prepared you, He has prepared what He’s sending you into.

You don’t have to worry. You just need to be awake, be wise and be careful in your progression.

I feel led to share a brief personal testimony here:

Many years ago, when our Lord brought me into a life-changing assignment, He sent an angel to me early on, who shared four keys to help me navigate my impossible promise. One of those keys was careful obedience. 

As I searched out “careful obedience,” in Holy Scripture, and walked further into my new journey, it became clear that my big, new assignment, my fulfilled promise required a Joshua level of courage and obedience.

This may sound strange to some, but God will absolutely send us into a promised land, where our assignments are over our heads—ones we cannot even survive without a close alignment with Him.

He will lead us into areas that are entirely new to us, where we will have to depend on His voice and promptings to succeed. Our obedience to His directives will link us to His phenomenal blessings. 

Remember, God desires to bless us beyond where we’ve been. And going back is not an option.

For many, blessing will feel like deliverance from suffering and favor over unfairness as they step out. They will experience God fighting on their side in new ways as He brings them into big shifts of outward restoration.

This leads into the next point Holy Spirit revealed to me, which is that the assignment you are about to step into is purposed to be life-giving for you, too! 

Some may not have considered this, because of such a long season of preparation in the wilderness. But that preparation was a “come away” for the assignments that are now opening up. And God’s invitation to step out now is not only into your mission, it’s your personal exodus into a better life outwardly.

Remember, the wilderness was not a place of captivity. It was an intimate cocoon for inward transformation and preparation. A protected place to be captivated by God and strengthened by Him through revelations of His truth and divine downloads of strategy for right now.

So, as you step forward into your newness, which is your time of great rescue and visible restoration, be confident in God and what He grew you into. Because, the same God that you came to count on in your cocoon is the same God you can lean on now. 

Remember to continue to seek Him and choose His wisdom forward, because what is and is to come will look different than before. But He remains your constant. 

Remember that God gave Joshua a new strategy for each battle. So, Joshua was able to grow in his careful obedience to experience outward victory battle-by-battle. 

And, just like Joshua, this is a time of Isaiah 49:25 TPT, where we can experience God’s fight on our behalves to be expressed outwardly. At the same time, we can experience Psalm 30:1 TPT, where He will bring us into an outward restoration above our enemies to the extend that our joy is made full.

So, it’s time to experience new expressions of God’s reign of authority and rain of blessings in our lives. And it’s time to finally experience the joy of the visible fruit of endurance, in which we were steeped.

To God be the glory.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.