
By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of May 19, 2024

Faithful Disposition

Quietness is closely associated with meekness and characterizes "the spirit of disposition" from within (Vine's). God is highlighting this Word to strengthen us in Him and His ways now and forward for what is and is to come. 

1 Peter 3:4 AMP expresses the meaning of quietness well by saying, "but let it be [the inner beauty of] the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, [one that is calm and self-controlled, not overanxious, but serene and spiritually mature] which is very precious in the sight of God."

Here, we can see the great value God places on a faithful disposition.

One commentary (HELPS Word-studies) offers us more detail, citing this kind of quietness as being steady and settled "due to a divinely-inspired inner calmness." Also, being appropriate "by not misusing (or overusing) words that would stir up needless friction (destructive commotion)." 


Another commentary (Strong's #2272) describes this kind of quietness as "keeping one's seat" as in being still [and remaining] undisturbed and un-disturbing." 

We know there are situations that especially require this of us in our lives and in society-at-large.

In this light, Holy Spirit highlighted 1 Timothy 2:2 TPT, which says, "And pray for every political leader and representative, so that we would be able to live tranquil, undisturbed lives, as we worship the awe-inspiring God with pure hearts."

Here, this kind of quietness is only used in this verse and can reference "tranquility arising from without" (Vine's).

One commentary (HELPS Word-studies) defines it as "without needless commotion" and "free from outward disturbance." It describes "the tranquil lifestyle of someone who is composed (self-contained, discreet)" and avoids "what is flamboyant (ostentatious)."

There’s power and protection in this kind of quiet providence and progression (Strong’s #2263)

Trust during Troubles

Those of us who live in the USA have an idea of what’s coming soon, and this very strategic verse of 1 Timothy 2:2 will help us keep our priorities aligned in our divine assignments in the midst. 

How wonderful God is to remember us in advance to help us through. He knows His Kingdom must and will continue to be active on the earth He created, no matter what.

So, just as God sometimes roars and sometimes speaks in a still, small voice, we can know Him as our protective Father, who fights our battles and also reveals Himself as an authoritative, consuming fire.

Not fear or worry, but faithful trust in Him and obedience to His directives will lead us safely through. His peace is power. 

Not Speechless

For my friends who think quietness means speechlessness, it doesn’t in 1 Timothy 2:11 AMPC, which says, "Let a woman learn in quietness, in entire submissiveness." 

Anyone who truly submits to God knows something of His power and protection. And because of their confident trust in Him, they can experience quietness as an inner calm, a strength that results when our focus and path are right with Him.

And the more we practice it, the stronger in Jesus we become.


2 Timothy 2:25 TPT says, "Then with meekness you’ll be able to carefully enlighten those who argue with you so they can see God’s gracious gift of repentance and be brought to the truth."

Here, we see meekness used as a tool of light-bearing strength and the wisdom of good news to flip conversations. When we do our part, God’s grace-power will work through a peaceful, meek person to lead others into His truth. 

And isn’t this largely why we’re here?


Finally, quietness can mean rest, a gift of divine wholeness where all of the parts come together harmoniously and without persecution or hostile attack (Strong’s #1515). 

If you’ve been in a season of preparation for a long time, you know what endurance and day-by-day restoration feels like. You know that salvation is the way that leads to peace and you know it can, indeed, be walked out. 

I believe there are those who are about to live out a level of this kind of harmony they’ve dreamed of for a long time. Yes, God is about to deliver them into the promises they’ve held onto and believed for. And even in the transition, there’s a calmness in their souls (Strong’s #2271). Because they’ve been made familiar with God in the process as they have believed and obeyed Him.

This is not to say that all will be quiet around them. But Jesus will bring them through with an inner calm when their focus remains on Him.   

And in all of this, we can remember the importance of the power of presence—of simply showing up and experiencing God’s Presence at work through us in any situation. He is with us at all times to be our steely strength, even at the level of crucifixion. 

To Him be all glory, honor and praise. 


Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.