Reel Life Saving Grace

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of July 28, 2024

God can save us, even from ourselves. 

When life sends us reeling, He’s there to catch us, re-set us, renew and restore us and even re-establish us. There’s so much redemption available to us right now and forward. 

But, at some point, to reach our God-given destinies, we must choose to process life God’s way. Because, when we try to do it our way, we leave out the grace Jesus died to give us. 

And that’s huge. 

This lack of grace, as favor and power, is what causes our frustration and bitterness; and the enemy can use our ungodly striving to wear us out.

If we aren’t wise to this truth, we can live life feeling powerless and blaming others, thinking they’re the source of our problems. We can lose our focus, get off course and get stuck in the enemy’s vortex, as we watch others get ahead. We could even retaliate and bring more destruction on ourselves.

Maybe you know someone like this or, perhaps, you’ve been there. I know I have. 

So, what’s important to realize is that God’s grace is for life here and now on earth, not solely for getting us to Heaven when life here is over. Grace is what helps us in practical, everyday matters. 

We can choose to believe in the grace of Jesus to help us at all times and have an attitude of abundant life. We can choose to never listen to the voice of lack.

This is freedom that positions us to receive God’s provision. 

All we have to do is believe and remind ourselves that His grace is already here and call on the Name of Jesus. Have you ever prayed, “Lord, release Your grace upon grace to me?”

I call forth grace and mercy over my own life and other people’s situations a lot.

I recall a time when I worked hard on what seemed like a never-ending project. I knew I was doing what Holy Spirit directed me to do. But I felt I had to constantly push against spiritual resistance, literally for years. I often felt like I wasn’t moving forward fast enough. 

Well, it wasn’t until I threw up my hands and said to God, “I’m done” that I felt a greater measure of His grace release to me for this project.

To be honest, I was upset with God for not doing it sooner! I mean, it would’ve made my job a lot easier! But when I reminded myself that He’s never the problem and always the solution, I owned it and I realized that God cares more about me knowing Him and submitting to Him and His ways in the project than trying to meet a deadline out of fear.

God’s truth is that His grace is much kinder than fear, and He desires we know His gracious nature and rejoice in it with Him. This was the first time I came to know His grace as divine intimacy in my work assignment.

Having worked in the field of journalism over the years, being deadline driven had become my second nature. Of course, once I received an assignment from my editor, I would pray first and ask Holy Spirit to lead me to His best resources for my stories. But then, I would run lightning fast with it until it was finished . . . again out of fear.

But this time, God was bringing an end to that fear. He was doing something new in me. And isn’t that how our race goes? Just when something becomes familiar, God does something new that causes us to reach higher for Him out of desperation. 

He doesn’t leave us where we are. And He will, in fact, bring us to the end of ourselves. 

I’ve learned, as I hope you have, too, that this is growth in His grace because we need it. We need more of Him. Always. In every area of our lives. And He knows it.

If we aren’t very familiar with His grace, we can ask Holy Spirit for a revelation of it.

In this regard, I’m inclined to think of King Solomon. At the outset of his reign, he knew he didn’t know enough. Even with King David as his father and mentor, Solomon still needed more (2 Chronicles 1:5-13).

So, Solomon humbled himself before God, sought Him and made a generous offering. God, in turn, met him with a private invitation to provision, instructing him to "Ask what I shall give you."

King Solomon ultimately received God’s grace for wisdom and knowledge that affected his nation and beyond. We’re still talking about it today. 

Likewise, let’s honor God and remember Psalm 67:1-2 ESV, which say, "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations."

And the next time life sends you reeling, I encourage you to not chug along by yourself in your own strength. Instead, beseech God for His grace-power to save you from yourself and your circumstances in your new assignments. 

Believe that His ways are higher; and just humble yourself and ask for His help, like King Solomon. We can do it when we trust Him enough to receive it. 

So, “Do you believe in God’s grace to rescue you from your heaviness today?” And, if so, are you willing to ask Him for it? If so, pray with me . . . 

Dear Heavenly Father, 

We rejoice in Your gracious nature to help us. We ask for a greater revelation of Your grace for each of us in our divine assignments. Help us to know You more in Your God speed.

To You be all glory, honor and praise.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.