Hands-on Faith for Families – Week of June 10, 2024 

Theme: Let Jesus Work in You 

Stay Connected to Jesus 

Scripture: And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears we may have confidence and not shrink from Him in shame at His coming. (1 John 2:28) 

Play: Have your children take turns grabbing hold of your waist from behind. Tell them, “Keep holding onto me. If you stay connected to me, you’ll get a reward.” Do various movements — some easy, some challenging. If they get disconnected from you, let them try again. After your children have followed for a few minutes, give them each a reward. 

Talk: Even when we don’t do things right every time, life is better when we stay connected to Jesus. We stay connected, or “abide,” by praying, reading His Word daily and trying to live the way He lived. When we do this, we will get to know Jesus better. He will mean more to us than anything or anyone else, and we will obey Him out of love. Then when He comes back for us, we will be excited to see Him and have confidence in His love for us (1 John 2:28). How can you stay connected to God? 

Pray: Pray that God will help you know, love and obey Him more every day. 

— Christine St. Jacques 

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