After an Abortion: All Things Are Possible 

Living Free Every Day®
A ministry of

Today's Scripture
"Jesus looked at them intently and said, 'Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.'” Matthew 19:26 NLT

Thoughts for Today
 Has an abortion in your past stopped you from living in peace and wholeness? Crippled your sense of spiritual freedom?  

Kim Ketola, author of Cradle My Heart, has been there. She learned that Jesus was reaching out with God's love to stir her and move her forward. That he was ready to help her pick up right where she was and begin again in life.

But it was years before she learned all that.

"I learned this, but only after many years of feeling spiritually crippled. After an abortion, I sensed I'd lost something valuable and precious, but I couldn't discuss the loss with anyone. Who could possibly understand? How could anyone know the depth of responsibility I felt (or how deeply I blamed others) for making a mess of my life?"

Consider this … 
Kim found it difficult to reach out to God, but after years of struggling was able to open her heart to his healing. Maybe you too believe God doesn't want to help you. You may wonder how God could have let this happen to you. You may be thinking, How can I possibly move on and overcome the past

Secret anger at your imperfections may have left you mired in depression, incapable of facing failure as a normal part of life. You may think you cannot remedy your wrongs. Shame overwhelms you. You may feel helpless with no hope of change.

Kim found hope—and healing. You can too. This week we will be looking at a few of the first steps toward healing and beginning again in life. Jesus loves you and wants to heal you. And with him . . . all things are possible.

 Father, you know how ashamed I feel. Help me find healing and hope. Help me believe that with you, all things are possible. In Jesus' name . . .

With an understanding and empathetic voice, Kim Ketola exposes the hurt in your heart, reveals the healing in God's heart, and brings the two together to create a whole heart where restoration and celebration are possible. 

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©Living Free 2020. Living Free is a registered trademark. Living Free Every Day® devotionals may be reproduced for personal use. When reproduced to share with others, please acknowledge the source as Living Free, Chattanooga, TN, Must have written permission to use in any format to be sold. Permission may be requested by sending an e-mail to