One Anothers: Bear with One Another 

Living Free Every Day®
A ministry of

Today's Scripture
"Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others."  Colossians 3:13 NLT

Thoughts for Today
 Sometimes forgiving a large offense seems easier than being gracious about those little day-to-day annoyances. Almost everyone has habits or mannerisms that others might find irritating. And let's face it—that includes us!

If we aren't willing to make allowances for other people's faults, we will greatly limit our ability to develop meaningful relationships—relationships that God could use to help fulfill his plan for our church or ministry.

Consider this …
 Do you sometimes focus on people's faults, rather than their needs? Their weaknesses rather than their strengths? Do you allow those negative focuses to block your ability to love and encourage? To work together toward a common goal?

God calls us to walk in forgiveness, to make allowance for each other's faults. He forgave us—how can we do less? He is so gracious toward us in our day-to-day walk—how can we refuse this same graciousness toward our brothers and sisters in Christ?

 Father, sometimes I get sidetracked by petty annoyances. Please forgive me and help me make allowances for others' faults, just as I hope they will do for me. In Jesus' name …

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©Living Free 2020. Living Free is a registered trademark. Living Free Every Day® devotionals may be reproduced for personal use. When reproduced to share with others, please acknowledge the source as Living Free, Chattanooga, TN, Must have written permission to use in any format to be sold. Permission may be requested by sending an e-mail to