Welcome to our Worship Experience. You can also catch up with us on social media:
Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | X
or visit our website: https://fbchighlandpark.org/
Website: https://fbchighlandpark.org/give/
Givelify: http://giv.li/j2v938 (or use the Givelify App)
Abundant: https://abundant.co/fbhp/give
Our Regular Worship Schedule is:
Saturday - 6:30 PM ET
Sunday - 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Wednesday - 12:00 PM & 6:45 PM
#FBHPLive #FBHP #FBCHP #FaithStrong #FBCHighlandPark
Evening Bible Study
Dr. Henry P. Davis III, Pastor
First Baptist Church of Highland Park
Welcome to our Worship Experience. You can also catch up with us on social media:
Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | X
or visit our website: https://fbchighlandpark.org/
Website: https://fbchighlandpark.org/give/
Givelify: http://giv.li/j2v938 (or use the Givelify App)
Abundant: https://abundant.co/fbhp/give
Our Regular Worship Schedule is:
Saturday - 6:30 PM ET
Sunday - 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Wednesday - 12:00 PM & 6:45 PM
#FBHPLive #FBHP #FBCHP #FaithStrong #FBCHighlandPark
Welcome to our Worship Experience. You can also catch up with us on social media:
Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | X
or visit our website: https://fbchighlandpark.org/
Website: https://fbchighlandpark.org/give/
Givelify: http://giv.li/j2v938 (or use the Givelify App)
Abundant: https://abundant.co/fbhp/give
Our Regular Worship Schedule is:
Saturday - 6:30 PM ET
Sunday - 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Wednesday - 12:00 PM & 6:45 PM
#FBHPLive #FBHP #FBCHP #FaithStrong #FBCHighlandPark
Welcome to our Worship Experience. You can also catch up with us on social media:
Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | X
or visit our website: https://fbchighlandpark.org/
Website: https://fbchighlandpark.org/give/
Givelify: http://giv.li/j2v938 (or use the Givelify App)
Abundant: https://abundant.co/fbhp/give
Our Regular Worship Schedule is:
Saturday - 6:30 PM ET
Sunday - 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Wednesday - 12:00 PM & 6:45 PM
#FBHPLive #FBHP #FBCHP #FaithStrong #FBCHighlandPark
Welcome to our Worship Experience. You can also catch up with us on social media:
Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | X
or visit our website: https://fbchighlandpark.org/
Website: https://fbchighlandpark.org/give/
Givelify: http://giv.li/j2v938 (or use the Givelify App)
Abundant: https://abundant.co/fbhp/give
Our Regular Worship Schedule is:
Saturday - 6:30 PM ET
Sunday - 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Wednesday - 12:00 PM & 6:45 PM
#FBHPLive #FBHP #FBCHP #FaithStrong #FBCHighlandPark
This is a Live Broadcast from The Moody Church in Chicago. Our service begins at 10:00am CST every Sunday. For more information, please go to www.moodychurch.org.