A physical yoke bound oxen together to carry heavy loads. In contrast, the spiritual yoke Jesus offers us is light, granting peace and a restful spirit. We simply weren't created to carry heartache and troubles on our own. Shoulder to shoulder with Him, every burden is eased.
In this message, Dr. Stanley explains how we can experience this assurance of the Lord’s presence and power in our lives. When we surrender, He responds: “Trust Me, and there’s nothing we can’t handle together. Walk with Me, and you will never be alone.”
God the Holy Spirit – Our Helper
3/23/2019Is Jesus Christ God?
3/16/2019How Should We Wait?
3/9/2019When God Says Wait
3/2/2019When Facing Storms In Our Life
2/23/2019A Modern Day Samaritan
2/16/2019Learn how to approach God with confidence and discover the joy of this sacred practice that has sustained believers through the ages.
Learn how to approach God with confidence and discover the joy of this sacred practice that has sustained believers through the ages.