A few months ago I stumbled across a very interesting study. The goal of the survey was to determine what the most common questions Americans were asking today, and do you know what the study found was the most asked question?
In the Word of God we have God’s own Emancipation Proclamation. The Word of God tells us how to be free. It promises liberty. And it delivers!
I’ll never forget when my confidence in God’s Word was put to the test as a young preacher. I was the pastor of First Baptist Church in West Palm Beach, Fla, and to my amazement, I found myself in a meeting with leaders from my denomination debating whether or not the Bible was the Word of God.
There’s so much talk today about what it takes to be a man. Gender roles in our culture are probably more confused today than they ever have been.
If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that I could improve on my communication skills. I don’t enjoy idle talk, which means I’m not a big fan of “girl parties.”
Some of the most vivid memories I have from my childhood are from long road trips in the car.
There’s so much misunderstanding in the world today about the position and role of women.
Do you know why I love this time of year? It’s football season! I love sitting down and relaxing for a few hours while I watch a game on TV.
A few months ago I stumbled across a very interesting study. The goal of the survey was to determine what the most common questions Americans were asking today, and do you know what the study found was the most asked question?
“How do I know God’s will for my life?” As a pastor, this is easily one of the most common questions I hear. In the uncertainty of the world today, people are grasping for a secure place to seek rest…the will of God.
It’s hard to believe that my yard is once again blooming with flowers and grass that is turning to a bright shade of green.
The joys of being a pastor are innumerable. But there is one joy that sits high above all others, and it is the joy of seeing a human life transformed by the presence and power of God.
Who can understand the human heart?
Recently I watched an episode of Larry King Live that featured a five-member panel made up of ministers who were there to give their thoughts on the subject of God and war.
It can be pretty convicting when we think about our own prayer lives.
In looking back over the years, I realize that I searched and worked for many things I thought would bring me happiness.
Back when my kids were younger, I was an incredible Monopoly player.
Yes, our battle is a spiritual one! And because of this, we must use the spiritual weapon of prayer.
If Jesus Christ showed up on your doorstep today, what kind of faith would He find in you?
When it comes to discovering God’s will for your life, it can be easy to complicate things. So what I want to give you today is a back-to-the-basics approach to finding the will of God.
All you have to do is turn on the news today and you’ll too often hear those haunting words. From the tsunami in Japan to the horrible tornadoes in Alabama, Missouri, and Oklahoma, the human mind simply cannot fathom the level at which suffering and death can so often come in an instant. And in the midst of seeing so much pain, the natural human reaction is to ask one question:
As a Christian, God has called you into a battle.
The most important step in not letting stress consume you is remembering the Lord’s faithfulness to always provide for you. That’s the only way you can find real and lasting peace in the midst of the turmoil of life.
Prayer is not working to change our Father’s mind. It’s instead finding the mind of God!
I’ll never forget when my confidence in God’s Word was put to the test as a young preacher. I was the pastor of First Baptist Church in West Palm Beach, Fla, and to my amazement, I found myself in a meeting with leaders from my denomination debating whether or not the Bible was the Word of God.
In the Word of God we have God’s own Emancipation Proclamation. The Word of God tells us how to be free. It promises liberty. And it delivers!
Anchor your hope in God’s promises with Dr. Graham’s booklet, ‘God’s Promises for Doubt-Filled Days.’ Get your copy today when you give!