How to Handle Hard Times

Life is hard at times. Sometimes it’s excruciatingly painful.

Just because we’re believers in Jesus Christ, we don’t by-pass all hardships, trouble, problems and challenges. When we receive Christ we don’t get an “immunity card” that exempts us from difficulties. Our faith is not proven true by the absence of rough stuff but by the grace and strength to victoriously endure and overcome it when it comes our way.

Jesus made this very important statement that instructs and comforts us in times of trouble:

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. — John 16:33 (NLT)

Jesus said, “In your difficulties, take heart!” How do we do this? Here are a few things that might help you if you facing some tough times:

  • Look up — Put your trust in God. He’s still in control!
  • Look in — Choose to grow up — let your difficulties forge deeper character and commitment in you. Let your trials mature you.
  • Look around — See the blessings you have. Bad times can blind us to blessings. Don’t let your troubles rob you of the good things God has placed in your life. Keep your praise going. Keep your gratitude strong.
  • Cry out — Talk to God about your pressures and pain. Go to Him honestly and express your human emotions in prayer. Keep the communication with God open and regular. Don’t shut Him out of your life in the tough times.
  • Reach out — Connect with other believers who will walk with you through the storm. Don’t try to handle hard times alone.
  • Hold on — Don’t let go of your hope. Be confident that you will make it through this valley to a better day. Don’t set up a permanent camp in the wildernesses of life. Know that you are “just passing through” the tough time. Hold on to hope. Your test is going to become a great testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness!

May God’s peace bring rest to your troubled heart. May the gift of faith rise in you that will carry you through to a new season of incredible blessing. Remember the ending of Job’s life story. It will encourage you!

Dale O'Shields

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