As one year comes to an end and a new year is before us, our thoughts are often on, “What’s next?” What we are really asking is, “What does God want me to do in 2019?”


There are three domains to consider: Our heart (our character), our hands (our regular activities), and our head (our long-range plans and decisions).


God’s Will for Your Heart

When it comes to our character, God has revealed His will clearly in Scripture: We are to manifest the character of Jesus Christ. There is no better “checklist” for God’s will for the character of the Christian than Galatians 5:22-23. The “fruit” we are to exhibit include: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. If you wanted a prayer list for God’s will for your heart in 2019, this short list is perfect.


God’s Will for Your Hands

Bible Study and Prayer:  The Word of God is our daily nourishment for spiritual health; prayer draws us into the Father’s presence (Psalm 119:103; 2 Timothy 3:16; Psalm 16:11).

Worship: As part of the creation, it is our permanent duty to worship the Creator (Psalm 99:9; Luke 4:8).

Giving: Everything we have belongs to God. Not to give faithfully and generously is to rob God and limit our blessings (Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 3:8).

Witnessing/Serving: We are to take the Gospel into the world—both near and far (Matthew 28:18-20, 1 Peter 4:10).

Body-Life: We are to be intimately involved with others in the body of Christ for their benefit as well as ours (Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:34-35).

Eternal Focus: It is God’s will for us to live as citizens of heaven, not this earth (Matthew 6:21; Philippians 3:20; 1 John 2:16).


God’s Will for Your Head

I’ve called this last category the category of “the head” because it involves the ideas we have about what we’d like to do with our life when it comes to . . . well, everything. Here are some principles that can guide us in 2019.


1. Believe God wants you to know. Somehow we have the impression that obtaining God’s guidance is a guessing game in which we are the predetermined losers. Nothing could be farther from the truth. God loves nothing better than to respond to your desires. So asking for His guidance is step one (Matthew 6:10; Luke 11:9-13).


2. Act on what God shows you. To my amazement, I’ve discovered that some Christians want to discover God’s will just to weigh it among their other options. Remember: God knows your thoughts. Don’t expect Him to show you His will if you are not planning to follow it. It is only in obedience to Christ that we will ever be fulfilled (Ephesians 1:11-12; Colossians 1:16).


3. Obey God’s Word. When we sit down before God and His Word, willing to do His will, we can anticipate that He will speak to our heart (Joshua 1:8; John 7:17).


4. Look for open doors. Directions are often disguised as problems—be alert. Opportunities are often time-sensitive—be ready. Open doors are often slammed shut by opponents—be bold. Clarity can be clouded by fear—be courageous. (Exodus 3:1 – 4:14; Joshua 1:9; Judges 6:16; Jeremiah 1:8; Acts 9:6).


5. Ask for help. There is likely nothing that you are contemplating for 2019 that one of your brothers or sisters in Christ has not already considered or accomplished. God may use your counselors to help direct your steps (Proverbs 11:14; Proverbs 20:18; Romans 15:14).


6. Trust that God is guiding you. Remember: God lights paths, not runways (Psalm 119:105). If you haven’t yet walked as far as you can see, then you don’t need to ask for more light. Believe God is guiding you as you step out in faith.


My prayer is that your heart, hands, and head become a reflection of the will of God as you take your next steps with Him in 2019.



David Jeremiah is the founder and host of Turning Point for God, and serves as

Senior Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California.

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