Our lifestyle should reflect a heart of worship. This is not optional, it’s vital. We cannot live like hell all week and expect heaven to fall during worship. We cannot fill our mind with darkness all week and expect the light of Christ to shine during worship. We cannot worship ourselves, and things, all week and expect to turn our affections toward God on one designated day.
Do we want the worship time to hurry and finish? Are we dreading another song as our eyes glance at the clock? Do we come late to miss the boring worship? If so, I would seriously encourage heart examination.
I recently spoke in El Paso, Texas, at a large Hispanic church called Vino Nuevo. You can watch the message here with translation.
I appreciated the heart of the pastors I had the privilege of meeting. Their eagerness and desire for revival reminded me of the church where I pastor in Southern California, Westside Christian Fellowship.
I’m sure we can all agree that evil surrounds us in America. Daily we are bombarded by reports of heinous crimes and lawlessness being committed throughout our land. How can Christians not only remain peaceful and hopeful during these turbulent times but also dare to anticipate revival—perhaps a Third Great Awakening? I believe we can. But we must be willing to wait on God and seek Him like never before because “He acts for the one who waits for Him” (Isaiah 64:4).
If you’d prefer to listen to the audio version, click here: https://youtu.be/B9NfNxDGn0Y
The results are in: America’s stage four cancer has metastasized to the family and the church as well as to the government and the schools. We are more depraved than ever before. Animals are guarded but innocent children are slaughtered. Porn is protected and sex-trafficking is on the rise. Cardi B’s lyrics get a pass but Scriptures are banned on social media.
I’m sure we can all agree that evil surrounds us in America. Daily we are bombarded by reports of heinous crimes and lawlessness being committed throughout our land. How can Christians not only remain peaceful and hopeful during these turbulent times but also dare to anticipate revival—perhaps a Third Great Awakening? I believe we can. But we must be willing to wait on God and seek Him like never before because “He acts for the one who waits for Him” (Isaiah 64:4).
I recently spoke in El Paso, Texas, at a large Hispanic church called Vino Nuevo. You can watch the message here with translation.
I appreciated the heart of the pastors I had the privilege of meeting. Their eagerness and desire for revival reminded me of the church where I pastor in Southern California, Westside Christian Fellowship.
Do we want the worship time to hurry and finish? Are we dreading another song as our eyes glance at the clock? Do we come late to miss the boring worship? If so, I would seriously encourage heart examination.
Our lifestyle should reflect a heart of worship. This is not optional, it’s vital. We cannot live like hell all week and expect heaven to fall during worship. We cannot fill our mind with darkness all week and expect the light of Christ to shine during worship. We cannot worship ourselves, and things, all week and expect to turn our affections toward God on one designated day.
Money can be a wonderful servant…but a terrible master!
Of all the attributes of God described in the Bible, holiness is seen most often. Men fell down in the holy presence of God. Leaders, priests, and kings all trembled at the sheer magnitude of His holiness. The angels cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy is our God.”
Holiness is the key to truly understanding God. This is why sin is serious. It separates us from God; it stands in direct opposition to Him. It corrupts our character and our testimony; it prevents holiness and quenches and grieves the Spirit within.
There is a dangerous trend in the evangelical church today. A futile attempt is being made to conform God’s Word to social norms, rather than to conform social norms to His Word. As a result, truth is vague, doctrine is blurred, and the fundamentals of the Christian faith are often avoided. The need to speak the truth in love has never been greater.
Fearing the Lord isn’t the type of fear one would have toward an abusive father, but rather, it’s the type of fear that involves respect and reverence for God.
Although many great Bible teachers are divided on the issue of divorce and re-marriage, one thing is certain: God will direct those who commit their lives completely to Him…this we know.
To carry the weight of responsibility as husbands, leaders and fathers we must continually focus on building and strengthening our relationship with Christ. Unmistakably, the foundation we build today provides the strength that weathers the storm tomorrow. It’s unfortunate that today’s society focuses largely on external factors such as money, position, status, and recognition. These superficial values have left our nation in a moral, as well as a spiritual crisis.
A common question for many is, "Can I lose my salvation?" I’ve heard both sides of the argument, and only God truly knows a person’s heart, but I can share a few thoughts. One thing is for certain, salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned.
“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” (Dwight D. Eisenhower). Historically and biblically, we know that God judged those nations who continually tolerated sin; wrong choices had devastating consequences. Historians realize that a republican democracy, like ours in America, cannot last forever. Eventually, there is a collapse due to moral decay and financial irresponsibility—liberty often leads to abundance; abundance to complacency; complacency to apathy; apathy to a loss of freedom. Based on this, where are we today?
When you truly seek God’s help, you can control temptation instead of allowing temptation to control you.
“I’m just not convicted like that.” I recently heard this honest statement following a message on holiness.
A genuine revival is God reviving His people. Those who use past revivals to in an attempt to validate odd events today, perhaps have not truly researched revivals. Nowhere do those leaders encourage the hysteria or the outright weirdness that we sometimes see today. There is a desperate need to preach and proclaim God’s Word with genuine power if we are to experience true revival. Without God’s authority and power, words are lifeless. Where are those with uncompromising power and authority in the pulpits today? The one thing that all of the great revivals in church history had is the one thing that we often lack—the power of the Holy Spirit.
There is a saying that one generation plants trees for the next generation. I’m concerned that instead of planting, we are removing and destroying the very covering that protects us.
In America today, a significant number of people are switching churches or leaving altogether. I’ve found that unwarranted criticism often plays a significant role. One of the best ways to know if God is truly guiding you is to stay, pray, and obey—stay in His Word; pray for guidance; obey His principles. Again, the conviction of the Holy Spirit is an indispensable gift from God. We must listen to Him.
In America today, a significant number of people are switching churches or leaving altogether. I’ve found that unwarranted criticism often plays a significant role. Is anger, pride, unforgiveness, or selfishness the fruit of your life, or is patience, humility, forgiveness, and gentleness? We can choose whether or not to have a critical attitude.
How will leaving affect your family? Most often, the actions of the husband determine the stability of the family. It’s generally the wife who encourages Bible study, church attendance, and prayer, while men willingly forsake their God-ordained role as spiritual leaders. There is no greater investment than investing in your spiritual growth and in the spiritual growth and health of your family.
It’s not realistic to think that all the messages and worship services will meet our every need. As in marriage, it’s vitally important that we don’t enter into things with unrealistic expectations.
My hope is that readers will read the entire article before drawing any conclusions. I have nothing but compassion for those trapped in the homosexual lifestyle. Those who strongly believe in the Bible and God’s will regarding sexual behavior, also strongly believe in unconditional love and forgiveness. To say that authentic Christians hate, or fear, those trapped in the homosexual lifestyle demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of the principles of the Christian faith. To “speak the truth in love” simply comes from a desire to honor God, and to truly love and care for others.
God’s Word is very clear on the dangers of sexual sin—homosexuality, adultery, pornography, fornication, and so on. If our sexual preferences run contrary to God’s Word we must change our preferences, not the other way around.
There is a cost to speaking the truth. This realization came nearly 10-years ago when I was asked to speak at the annual conference for the American Baptist...unaware that they were about to divide over ordaining those who embrace the homosexual lifestyle. The words of Titus Brandsma (martyred at Dachau under Hitler) began to ring true, “Those who want to win the world for Christ must have the courage to come into conflict with it.”
I’m hesitant to label America a “Christian nation.” Christians are followers of Christ, whereas a nation is a group of people who share a common identity, and often, a common origin. Some of the founders, such as Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, were not considered Christians. For this reason, America was not a Christian nation in the sense that every citizen or Founder was a Christian or was required to be one, but America is often labeled a Christian nation because her foundation was built on biblical principles and Christian character.
It is my firm belief, that, second only to salvation, the fully surrendered life is the most important aspect of the Christian life...to truly know God: “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). Sadly, very few of us ever experience this close relationship with God. This isn’t meant to discourage, but to convict. Conviction is a wonderful gift from God used to turn the heart back to Him.
Why didn't someone do something? Those five words still haunt my thoughts today. Sometime ago, I sat speechless as I listened to a man recount his trip to a holocaust museum with his young daughter.
If we fail to contend for what is right, we may see a time in our history when our children will ask, “Why didn’t someone do something?” Sadly, we may not be able to answer. What can I do? What can we do? People are often willing to help, but they lack motivation; they also don’t know where to begin. How can we honor God and preserve our values?
The Romans Road to salvation has been very helpful during these types of conversations—it uses verses from the book of Romans to explain, not only why we need salvation, but how a person is saved.
The one thing that all great Christian men and women have, is the one thing that many are lacking—a powerful prayer life. They were/are men and women of extraordinary prayer, brokenness, and humility; filled and clothed with power from on high. The men and women who do the most for God are always men and women of prayer.
It is clear that the god who many serve is not the true God: “For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites” (Romans 16:18). With many gods beckoning us today, it is crucial that those claiming to be “Christians” question which God, or gods, they truly serve. So what are the attributes of genuine faith?
Are you willing to do what it takes to protect your mind and your relationship with the Lord? It’s your choice. To suggest that what we view and listen to is not important to God, is to alter His word. We should be selective when it comes to entertainment—once others see an authentic, committed relationship with Christ (although they may not admit it), they may begin to desire one, as well. Drawing a line can be out of step with the mainstream, but, like Joshua, we too must say, “Choose this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
How can a truly broken and repentant person continue in a relationship that they know is wrong...a relationship that is destroying their family? They can’t. A person who is genuinely repentant will jump at the opportunity to foster restoration. Actions reveal the condition of the heart.
“What’s going on in California?” is the question that has been asked of me a lot this month. With the beach gatherings in Huntington Beach, along with Pastor Jack Hibbs’ and John MacArthur’s bold stances (thank you, both), we decided to launch a Saturday night service in Lancaster, California, at JetHawk Stadium. It’s being tagged the Stadium Revival.
Do you want to fast but don't know where to start? You're not alone. Consider intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is not a fad; it aligns with how God designed us for seasons of feast and seasons of famine using fat as fuel during famine. Intermittent fasting provides a much-needed break from food, and it’s a great way for the beginner to begin fasting. For example, if your last meal is early evening, then you wouldn’t eat again until lunch the following day. This gives the digestive tract close to 16 hours of rest and may change insulin levels enough to affect health in a positive way. Remember, increased insulin and good health don’t necessarily go together. Think of all the oxidative stress that you’ll be avoiding with intermittent fasting when you miss breakfast consisting of unhealthy bacon and eggs or other harmful foods.
As we all know, America is in a spiritual decline with no recovery in sight. Many churches have a form of “microwave” Christianity: service times last just over an hour, prayer is glanced over, and worship is designed to entertain the masses. Many pastors avoid offending their audience and seek to be motivational rather than convicting. If we truly want to see revival, the face of the present-day church needs to change. Granted, there are wonderful churches, but as a whole, we have drifted significantly off course. For example, do you ever wonder how a Christian (let alone a pastor) can embrace gay marriage and encourage it? Listen to this Fox News interview archive to find out how.
God has given us a wonderful gift known as America. The government isn’t bad or good; her people determine success or failure. Why would God ordain our government and then not want us to steward His gift? Many have been guilty of not getting involved by saying, “We shouldn’t say or do anything political. All we need to do is preach the gospel.” Be careful . . . although the gospel is our primary focus, this shouldn’t be an excuse against action.
I could not believe what I was reading: People actually applauded the slaughtering of children. Was I having a dream . . . a nightmare? Was this real?
I remember reading an article about a man who avoided the beach in the summer after admitting his addiction to pornography to his wife. He concluded that being around people who were barely covered often triggered his compulsion. Other cases involved a man who stopped visiting certain sections at a local video store and a woman who stopped reading romance novels. Both concluded that viewing this material was stimulating lust. What about the gym and the yoga pants trend? Enough said!
You choose - will it be the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret? One yields a sense of extreme fulfillment, the other, a lingering sense of defeat. We pray for God to heal rather than for help with self discipline to change harmful habits. If you struggle in this area, these two sermons may help: https://youtu.be/UvHNZcTVyh8 and https://youtu.be/Pupgi84fv34.
Perhaps one of the most difficult Scriptures dealing with divorce or separation is found in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, “A wife must not leave her husband. But if she does leave him, let her remain single or else go back to him. And the husband must not leave the wife.” This clearly states that those who are divorced and/or separated, unless “scripturally released,” should not remarry, but instead, seek restoration.
As a note of great encouragement, Jesus came to “save His people from their sins.” This is the true reason for the Christmas season—the penalty for sin was paid on the cross (propitiation), and our guilt was removed (expiation). There is a significant shift in the church today to avoid controversial truths, such as sin. God’s Word says to confront, confess, and turn from sin, whereas many encourage us to ignore, overlook, and continue in it. Silence about sin minimizes the cross, making it less offensive. The cross only makes sense in light of the consequences of sin.
Without proper support, a structure may not be sound and could present future problems. In the same way, a relationship with Christ provides the foundation for strong marriages.
Those who do not allow hurt to entrap them can turn brokenness into an unbreakable force, but those shackled by past pain are truly imprisoned by it. Married or divorced, the walls we build to protect may eventually imprison.
Simply stated, if you fail to forgive others, bitterness and anger, though skillfully masked, will tarnish relationships. Married, divorced, separated, or single, God can turn brokenness into an unbreakable force, but it is imperative that your mind is renewed by applying biblical principles, beginning with forgiveness.
To understand the core values of a nation, one must simply look to the beliefs set forth during its conception, and, in the case of America, during the transitional years of the American Revolution. Judge for yourself how far we have drifted from the original intent of early Americans.
As a new church plant with a two and a half year history, I am often asked about planting churches, pastoring, and choosing leaders. Among these questions, choosing the lead pastor often arises.
Spouses are encouraged to spend extended time in the Word and obedience to it, as well as extended times of prayer and fasting, and seeking godly counsel. All destructive relationships and toxic counsel must be severed as you seek to answer this question.
Anytime we give an honest appeal for a person to turn to God, it’s a good thing. But in our zeal to “get people into the kingdom,” we sometimes run the risk of offering false assurance. This is a very real danger in the church today. Many come forward after a sermon, but do they change? Often, it’s the, “I’ll give Jesus a try” attitude, rather than a broken heart desperately seeking a Savior—the American gospel versus the true gospel.
What we’re seeing today is not a gun problem; it’s a moral problem called sin. We are witnessing the rapid deterioration of a nation. We have lost our moral compass...we have lost the fear of the Lord. When the fear of the Lord decreases, evil increases.
Our only hope - a mighty move of God's Spirit.
A young Podcast listener recently wrote, “My dad is so self-absorbed that he doesn't notice that we are dying spiritually, relationally, and emotionally. He acts like we are an inconvenience, and is very disrespectful to my mother. At church, he says all the right things, but at home he's yelling, gone, or too tired to spend any time with us. I just want my dad back.”
“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord” (Jude 3-4).
"We have forgotten God, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own” (Abraham Lincoln).
“Gods at War,” the title says it all. The author of the book, Kyle Idleman, states, “What if I told you that every sin you are struggling with is because of idolatry.” He is absolutely correct...idolatry is a consistent distraction for God’s people. God is crystal clear on this issue, “You shall not bow down to them (idols) or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.” Idols are false gods that promise the world but who only deliver death and destruction: “Go and cry out to the gods whom you have chosen; let them save you in the time of your distress.” Martin Luther said, “You can’t violate the other nine commandments without breaking this one first (idolatry).”
In part one, I made the following statement: “Gods at War;” the title says it all. Author of the book Kyle Idleman states, “What if I told you that every sin you are struggling with is because of idolatry.” He is absolutely correct...idolatry is a consistent distraction for God’s people. We were created to worship. Idolatry is simply worshipping the wrong thing or things. False worship is when an entity, person, or object has a greater place or value in our lives than God—our passion for “something” outweighs our passion for Him; it draws us away. Most of us don’t have idols on our shelves...they are parked in the garage or consumed on a daily basis. We don’t pay homage to a statue in the living room, but we are mesmerized by a 50” box affectionately known as “the entertainment center.” We don’t sacrifice things on the altar, but we do sacrifice our time (and time with of our children) on the altar of misguided priorities. Idols promise life but bring death, promise peace but bring confusion. In Hosea9:10, God warns that we can become “an abomination like the things we love.”
In part one and two, I made the following statement: “Gods at War;” the title says it all. Author of the book Kyle Idleman states, “What if I told you that every sin you are struggling with is because of idolatry.” He is absolutely correct...idolatry is a consistent distraction for God’s people. We were created to worship. Idolatry is simply worshiping the wrong thing, or things. False worship is when an entity, person, or object has a greater place or value in our lives than God—our passion for “something” outweighs our passion for Him; it draws us away. Most of us don’t have idols on our shelves...they are parked in the garage or consumed on a daily basis. We don’t pay homage to a statue in the living room, but we are mesmerized by a 50” box affectionately known as “the entertainment center.” We don’t sacrifice things on the altar, but we do sacrifice our time (and time with of our children) on the altar of misguided priorities. Idols promise life but bring death, promise peace but bring confusion.
I thoroughly enjoyed day one of the Strange Fire conference…Dr. MacArthur and R.C. Sproul have been forerunners of solid Christian teaching in our generation. My article is not to critique, but to plead—plead for the middle ground in regard to the power of the Holy Spirit. “The true saints of God, who have clear heads, and pure, warm hearts, have in all generations had to walk between the two extremes of cold formality on the one side, and wild, ranting fanaticism on the other. Dead formality and the false fire of fanaticism are both Satan’s counterfeits, and he does not care into which extreme the soul plunges… (George D. Watson).
Phil Robertson, of Duck Dynasty fame, sparked controversy after saying that homosexual behavior is a sin.
“Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?” Psalm 85:6 I’m not referring to all churches collectively in this article, but to the large majority who have drifted away from God. The present condition of the church leaves one to wonder if the lack of the fear of the Lord is contributing to her spiritually dead condition.
A few years ago, I had a conversation with a pastor who suggested that these articles are written from a position of fear. I agree…I believe that these messages are timely and urgent for the vast majority. The present condition of the church leaves one to wonder if the lack of the fear of the Lord is contributing to her spiritually dead condition: “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:15-17). A healthy respect of God (fear) is what our culture, and the church, desperately need.
Hopeless headlines are dominating the news cycle. It is called psychological warfare, and the goal is to elevate stress to the point of exhaustion and then fuel fear so that people lose hope. To win this battle (the battle of the mind), one must saturate their mind in the Word and ways of God. If My People is a cry for the people of God to turn back to God, to seek His face, and to receive the blessings He promises to those who will humble themselves and seek His face.